Vincent Poole was born in Dublin on 20th February 1881 & baptised on 9th March 1881. He died on 25th June 1955 Vincent is buried in Mount Jerome Cemetery, Dublin. He was a member of the Irish Citizen Army and fought in the 1916 Easter Rising. On 24th April Easter Monday morning, Vincent Poole took up positions at Wicklow Manure Works, Fairview, Annesley Bridge & Ballybough where he was busy doing various jobs including trying to blow up the GNR railway line and also erecting barricades into the city centre. On Tuesday evening, they got orders and had to retire from their posts at Ballybough & Annesley Bridge as it was likely to be surrounded by the British troops. They had to make their way back to the City Centre and when they reached the G.P.O, Padraig Pearse, Thomas Clarke, Commander James Connolly and the men gave them a great welcome and congratulated them on the march from the outpost. Then Commander James Connolly informed the remaining group of men to ...